Maurizio Usai founded the practice in 2005, after gaining a degree in engineering, with the intention of designing gardens not only to create beautiful spaces, but also to spread a different, more conscious garden culture in tune with the local landscape, culture and people.
After 10-years, the practice has expanded with the addition of two gardening experts in London and Mallorca, who support the work of La Pietra Rossa in Cagliari, renewing and enriching the practice with high profile professional talent that share the same desire to create beauty in gardening.
For Maurizio Usai gardens and their plants are the greatest passions of his life.
Against this background he recently invited Filippo Dimatteo and Matteo La Civita, who share his passion for plants and horticulture and the profession of designing gardens to join forces in the new professional chapter of the practice.

Maurizio Usai
For Maurizio Usai gardens and their plants are the greatest passions of his life. Against this background he recently invited Filippo Dimatteo and Matteo La Civita, who share his passion for plants and horticulture and the profession of designing gardens to join forces in the new professional chapter of the practice. Continue
Matteo La Civita
Originating from Gorizia in Italy, Matteo La Civita was born into a region where languages, peoples, cultures, climates, flora and much more are brought together and blended in a place where change and instability are part of everyday life. Continue